Friday 4 April 2014

Task 7 - Evaluation

I found this project a challenge of time for the most part. early on I got caught up on the ideas generation and the creating of concept art, this meant I foolishly had to push back my pitch by a week and didn't have any market research when it came to it. I then quickly fixed my mistakes and got things back on track.

When it came to production I got straight into work however I was a little rusty with the software I was using which meant I had to relearn how to do some of the techniques I needed to make my work. I got a hang of things pretty quickly and was able to create my assets on schedule by working a little faster than normal. Sadly though I had more difficulty when it came to flash and even though I did end up over coming the difficulties I had with it, it did end up cutting in to my time.

I showed my animation to a focus group of James Lodge, Ryan Edge, Danny Nye and Joe Kenyon from my college class. The group seemed to like the animation and had a lot of suggestions but I only had time to fit a few of them in such as the quotes.

After handing in my animation the company asked if I could add some more information to the trailer so I went back and reworked the trailer so that it gave more information on the game and gave the trailer more context

Task 6 - Presentation

Below are an assortment of screenshots from the animation I presented to a group to for feedback

Task 5 - Production


In the first week of my FMP I researched the company Ronimo who commissioned me to make a trailer for their new game. I also made some mood boards and came up with some possible ideas for the game the trailer will be based on creating a high concept document for all three of them.

This week I started making concept art for the Black Friday Brawl: Super Fun Deal Combo using Photoshop. I have currently made three of them which include possible characters, items and environments and plan to make two more.


I finished the concept art and did my pitch this week. After I was finished with them I moved on to my planning, created a budget and storyboard for the trailer. Because the trailer doesn't have a set time limit I left most of the times as estimations and the actual trailer may be shorter or longer.
This week I started my production. I have started by creating backgrounds for my animation in illustrator, I have only created two so far because it has been a while since I last used illustrator and am still relearning the software.


Now that I have remembered how to use illustrator again I have created a final background some TVs to decorate one of the backgrounds and two characters to take place in my animation. I decided to make the characters people who are well known in real life, so to create their faces I took images of the internet and went over them in  illustrator.


This week I have moved all my illustrator assets into flash and begun to animate although it has been around a year since I last properly used this software so I ran into some difficulties that delayed me during my work and effected the amount of time I had to animate the rest of the trailer. These problems ranged from a confusion between motion tween and classic tween and having to relearn how to fade objects.


I have finished my animation by creating a small fight between the two characters and then moved onto my presentation which seemed to go pretty well. Most people only said they would have liked it if there was more but because of my time limit I couldn't justify going back to add more.

I spent this week evaluating my work and checking for any mistakes I had made while doing this work.

Task 4 - Planning

Black Friday Brawl: Super Fun Deal Combo By Joe Brannigan
The game is about fighting in the black Friday brawl to get the best deals on the stuff you want. The story will take you from fighting in your local supermarket for deals on a blu ray player to shanking children to get the 3ds with the animal crossing art on it and the game will be a highly violent 2D isometric action game with RPG elements.

·         A fully customizable character that can level up and learn new abilities over time
·         Many different environments for the player to fight and race to the objective in
·         A pre mission made where you can manage how long you wait outside the store, what you’re going to fight for and etc.
·        A competitive online game mode pitting players in a free for all scenario with hundreds of AI
·         A fun and satisfying combat system

Target hardware - The game will be sold on PC, PS4, Xbox One
Target customer – This game is aimed at males over the age of 18 up to around the age of 30.
Genre – The game will be a 2D action game with RPG and MOBA elements.
Player motivation – The player’s motivation is to get the best deals and add to the characters stash, for everything you can get you will unlock special apparel and abilities for their character. The player can level up their character depending on how well they did and the player will want to test themselves to try and see how much they can get before they are killed or broken and forced into retirement. There will also be leader boards and multiplayer modes so players can fight each other and start a rivalry.
Competition – The games that would compete with this the most are targeted to an Asian market while this is targeted towards the western market and one of the most similar games to it Deadrising 3 is a Xbox One exclusive.
License – The game will include many licensed products for the immersion of the game so it feels like you are competing for things you want in real life.
Design goals – The game is supposed to be a parody of black Friday while being a fun and satisfying game
Unique selling point – The unique selling point of this game is that there is no other game on the market with this setting and it has a great progression and reward system while still being an action game at heart and having hundreds of enemies on screen at the same time

Task 3 - Pitch

Task 2 - Ideas Generation

Task 1 - Research

         Ronimo Games                                  


Ronimo games will be the team working on the game. Ronimo is a seven man Dutch game development team and has currently made three game, the first of which was called "De blob" which they developed under the name banana games. "De blob" caught the attention of THQ who bought the IP to "De blob" from Ronimo, Ronimo then used the money from THQ to work on the game swords and soldiers a 2D strategy game and Awesomenauts a 2D MOBA. The team is currently developing Swords and Soldiers 2 and DLC for Awesomenauts

This is a teaser trailer for their most well known game Awesomenauts, the game is for sale on the xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC. The game initially only released on Xbox 360 and then after several months was released on Playstation 3 and PC which got Ronimo the sales they needed. The game has recently been released on PS4 and has had a new expansion kickstarted by its fans to add new maps and characters

I used these images for inspiration for my FMP I decided to get images that had either a similar art style, perspective or game play to the game I was creating my animation for. Originally I was thinking of a 3rd Pearson or isometric perspective with cartoonish or cel shaded art styles but after looking at the Ronimo and there previous products I thought they would be better suited to make a 2D game.